Release the R30million Luke Commission allocation approved by Parliament, emaSwati receive quality health services there

Release the R30million Luke Commission allocation approved by Parliament, emaSwati receive quality health services there
Release the R30million Luke Commission allocation approved by Parliament, emaSwati receive quality health services there

Africa-Press – Eswatini. Marwick Khumalo,the Lobamba Lomdzala Member of Parliament(MP) has moved a motion,directing the Minister of Finance Neal Rijikernberg and Health Minister Mduduzi Matsebula to urgently facilitate the release of the R30million allocated to the Luke Commission.

The allocation was approved by Parliament through the Appropriation Act of 2024 after it was discovered that,the Luke Commission hospital that continues to assist emaSwati, was facing financial challenges amid a huge demand for quality health-care services as public hospitals face shortage of drugs.

The Luke Commission was surviving through foreign donors but due to the huge demand for health services, it subsequently ran out of resources and Parliament approved that,

the institution must assisted to continue helping emaSwati while efforts are being made to address the ongoing health crisis.

“The R30million allocation to the Luke Commission was approved by Parliament but we have gathered that certain people in Government are blocking the release of the funds.The Luke Commission is assisting emaSwati particularly the elderly with health services,I cannot keep quiet because the elderly who are receiving assistance there, are very close to my heart.The health institution is now overwhelmed due to the demand for health services”, said the MP.

The motion was moved by the Lobamba Lomdzala MP and seconded by MP Nokuthula Dlamini.

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