86 Ghanaian students receive Chinese ambassador scholarship

86 Ghanaian students receive Chinese ambassador scholarship
86 Ghanaian students receive Chinese ambassador scholarship

Africa-Press – Ghana. A total of 86 Ghanaian students have received the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship this year as a reward for their excellence in Chinese language learning and also as an inspiration for them to realize their dreams in the future.

ACCRA, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) — A total of 86 Ghanaian students have received the Chinese Ambassador Scholarship this year as a reward for their excellence in Chinese language learning, the Confucius Institute at the University of Ghana said Wednesday.

Chu Beijuan, the Chinese director of the institute, told Xinhua that the beneficiaries were rigorously selected from the university’s Chinese section and some other primary and secondary schools.

“The scholarship now serves as an inspiration for students who are passionate about the Chinese language and culture,” said Chu.

Ayawuli Richmond, a university student, said he made up his mind to secure the scholarship while he was a freshman and ended up winning the first prize three times throughout his university years.

“The scholarship helps relieve some of my financial stress and can be saved up for my further study in China. I hope I can realize my dream as a Chinese teacher,” he said.According to Chu, the “Chinese fever” continues to rise among Ghanaian students over the years as China-Africa cooperation deepens in various fields.

“The Chinese language is not only a must for Ghanaian students to continue their studies in China, but also helps many secure jobs in Chinese enterprises in Ghana,” said Chu.

Established in 2013, the institute has trained tens of thousands of Ghanaian students of all levels, playing an essential role in boosting cultural exchanges between China and Ghana.

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