Election 2024: Peace Council urges EC to be mindful of its actions

Election 2024: Peace Council urges EC to be mindful of its actions
Election 2024: Peace Council urges EC to be mindful of its actions

Africa-Press – Ghana. The National Peace Council is entreating the Electoral Commission to have a listening ear and be mindful of its actions before during and after the general elections.

A Board Member for the Peace Council, Maulvi Mohammed Bin Salih, warned the Commission against exploiting its independence to undermine peace and stability of the country.

The political parties and Electoral Commission are crucial in promoting peace and tranquility ahead of the upcoming general elections, but recent conflicts arising from limited voter registration have raised concerns among stakeholders.

Maulvi Bin Salih, on the sidelines of the launch of the National Election Response Group (NERG), urged the Electoral Commission to be diligent in fulfilling its duties.

He also urged political parties to be mindful of their statements when addressing grievances.

“Independent they are yes. But that does not stop them from listening to the Ghanaian. Listen to the wisdom from our elders. They should not under any circumstance hide under the independence to refuse to consult and listen. If they put their acts together well, they can put Ghana together and they can place Ghana on a pedestal of peace and progress. Well, they can also break Ghana and posterity will not forgive them,“ he stated.

To the political parties he said: “it is very important to know that at the end of the exercise, Ghanaians should be there living, happy and prepared to help. Therefore, every political party must know that whatever they do during this electioneering period is in the interest of Ghanaians.”

The Deputy Minister for the Interior and MP for Gomoa Central, Naana Eyiah, expressed government’s commitment to maintaining peace and working closely with the security agencies.

“The Ministry is doing its best. And you know the Police is our backbone. They are going to work very well so that there will be a peaceful election. I know they know what to do but we are still asking that they should do more,” she said.

Ghanaians are also called upon to guard jealously, the peace and security currently being enjoyed in the country as the December 7, 2024, general elections approach.

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