Foreign Trade Association of German retailers, AGAM enter into partnership

Foreign Trade Association of German retailers, AGAM enter into partnership
Foreign Trade Association of German retailers, AGAM enter into partnership

Africa-Press – Ghana. The Association of Ghana Apparel Manufacturers (AGAM) and the Foreign Trade Association of the German Retail Trade (AVE) have entered into a partnership to foster sus­tainable growth and employment development in Ghana’s textile sector.

The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

A press statement issued in Accra and copied to the Ghanaian Times said, “The partnership will focus on three primary objectives: strengthening the management of AGAM in a sustainable man­ner, providing demand-oriented services for member companies and establishing a professional representation of interests.”

“Our collaboration with AVE will empower us to better manage our organisation, offer tailored services to our members, and professionally advocate for their interests,” said Ms Nura Salifu, Acting President of AGAM.

She added that, “The joint endeavour is part of a broader objective to improve the business environment for Ghanaian en­terprises in the apparel, garment and textile sector, which in turn will drive economic growth and employment development across Ghana.”

“We see this partnership as an opportunity to bolster sustainable development in the textile sector. Our joint efforts will enhance competitiveness, fostering a stron­ger, more resilient textile sector,” stated Prof. Dr Tobias Woller­mann, President of AVE.

The statement said the part­nership would encompass capacity-building efforts, training programmes, and networking opportunities that could further enhance the skill sets of those enterprises and promote the sus­tainability of the AGAM manage­ment.

“This significant collaboration represents an international com­mitment to bolstering economic development in Ghana, with particular attention to the textile industry. Both AGAM and AVE eagerly anticipate the positive impacts this partnership will bring to the nation’s textile sector and broader economic landscape,” it added.

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