GMB’s Naa Ayeley, Medikal and Kobby Kyei collaborate to support school kids with stationery, desks

GMB’s Naa Ayeley, Medikal and Kobby Kyei collaborate to support school kids with stationery, desks
GMB’s Naa Ayeley, Medikal and Kobby Kyei collaborate to support school kids with stationery, desks

Africa-Press – Ghana. First runner-up for the 2023 Ghana’s Most Beautiful, Naa Ayeley together with rapper, Medikal and blogger Kobby Kyei has supported some school kids in the Ga South District.

The trio collaborated for the philanthropic gesture after blogger Kobby Kyei reported on the devastating state of school kids at the Oduman Asuaba M/A Basic school in the Ga South District.

The report from the blogger highlighted how school kids in Kindergarten one and two were combined together in the same class and used blocks as chairs while others sat on the floor to learn.

The blogger said after his report the rapper reached out to him to support the kids and pledged his commitment to help the school kids.

After the report on May 15, arrangements were made and Medikal together with Naa Ayeley and Kobby Kyei visited the school on May 17, donated stationery and some chairs and tables to the kids.

Among others, the team helped painted and renovated the classroom for the kids to give them suitable environment for learning.

Books, pens, chalks and pencils were donated by Naa Ayeley to the school kids.

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