Gen Zs, Millennials mostly pay for trending news – report

Gen Zs, Millennials mostly pay for trending news – report
Gen Zs, Millennials mostly pay for trending news – report

Africa-Press – Lesotho. Generation Z and Millennials mostly pay to consume trending news, followed by sports news content, a new survey by Infotrak in conjunction with Aga Khan media centre shows.

The report dubbed Media Consumption In an Evolving Digital World: Millennials and Digital Natives’ Consumption Habits and Implications for Legacy Media in East Africa states that 32 per cent of the group pay for general Current Affairs news.

“Whereas a majority of the millennials and Gen Zs have never paid for content, those who have (48%), acknowledge that they paid for/are paying for trending news, sports news content, general current affairs, political news content and entertainment,” the report reads.

Around 29 per cent of those who participated, said they pay for entertainment news, whereas 30 per cent paid for political news content. However, 3 per cent of the Gen Zs and Millennials pay for non-news content like inspirational, educational, and conversational, while 4 per cent pay for children’s programmes.

“50% of the respondents started paying for content in the last year, with 21% having started paying in the last three months,” the report stated. Notably, the study showed that brand closeness and brand association made young people [ay for content.

Others are; unique content that provides them with what they need to learn and progress in their careers, unique content that is of personal interest and relevant to their pursuit of specialist knowledge that they cannot get anywhere else and when it is their parents making the payment for them.

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