CDEDI demands Chakwera to fire Zikhale

CDEDI demands Chakwera to fire Zikhale
CDEDI demands Chakwera to fire Zikhale

Africa-Press – Malawi. Human Rights advocacy organisation, Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI), has given President Lazarus Chakwera seven days to rise above party politics and dismiss his Homeland Security Minister Ken Zikhale Ng’oma due to security lapse in the country.

In a press statement made available to this publication, CDEDI Executive Director Sylvester Namiwa, has also called on Chakwera to address the nation on government’s plan over the current life threatening moment which Malawi is going through.

He has called for an urgent action looking at the fact that the impression out there is that Malawi is now a dangerous place to live in as witnessed by the growing disturbing incidences of insecurity.

The firing of Minister Zikhale Ng’oma is being championed by CDEDI considering that on Monday, October 9, 2023 five suspected murder cases were reported in Lilongwe alone.

According to Namiwa, Lingadzi Police found a body in decomposed state at Bwandilo while Kawale Police confirmed two cases in Area 23 and 24.

“On the same day, Kanengo Police received reports of murders of a man and a child dumped in two different spots, one stuffed in a sack. As we speak, both the mainstream and social media are flooded with heartbreaking pictures of dead bodies and video clips of very disturbing robbery scenes, the more recent one being in Area 3, where a Chinese businessperson has allegedly been robbed of K35 million,” said Namiwa.

He added that apart from Lilongwe and in Blantyre, recent reported murder cases include those of a police officer who was killed by a street kids and a Malawi College of Accountancy student who was killed after being robbed of his laptop.

“If these murders are not enough to declare Malawi unsafe place to live in, what would be?” queries Namiwa.

Recently, Homeland Security Minister sparked fire after he said that four lives lost do not amount to insecurity.

On Monday, September 25, 2023 Hon Zinkhale-Ngo’oma, while addressing the media, assured Malawians of improved security, but he ended up making the highly insensitive and irresponsible sentiments, not befitting a Cabinet minister, let alone one entrusted with the safety of the lives of the people living in this country and their property.

Namiwa feels the remarks by Zikhale Ng’oma are weird, and very unfortunate especially coming from a person the whole nation looks up to for protection.

“Besides, CDEDI implores the President to address the nation on this matter of insecurity since attempts by both Zikhale Ng’oma and the Information and Digitalisation Minister Moses Kunkuyu to address the matter at separate press briefings have not inspired any hope,” he said.

The careless sentiments were made at the height of grief following the gruesome murders of four

citizens within five days in Lilongwe.

“Nonetheless, government assured Malawians that it had tasked the Malawi Police Service and other security agencies to channel all their resources and expertise for decisive action against the worrisome trend. Much as the statement from government was welcome, Malawians expected the President to mourn with them, but he was outside the country. When he returned home it was life-as-usual and, todate, President Chakwera has not said a word about the gruesome murders in Lilongwe and elsewhere in the country,” narrates Namiwa saying that what the people make of the President’s silence remains anybody’s guess.

“For us at CDEDI we get the impression that what Zikhale-Ng’oma said, that the gruesome murders of four people out of 20 million people does not amount to lack of security in the country is a sign of a government that is failing to protect the lives and property of its people—lack of security,” he said.

Namiwa has since challenged the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) to wake up from its deep slumber and address this insecurity problem.

He also suggests that PAC should further call for a high-level stakeholders meeting to address the current food, forex, fuel, fertiliser and essential drugs and medical supplies crises.

While PAC is yet to respond to the calls by CDEDI, State House Spokesman Anthony Kasunda told the press that he has seen the press release on the social media and cannot comment much.

On his part, President and Cabinet spokesperson Robert Kalindiza says the firing of Minister remains a presidential prerogative.

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