Chaponda feeds 150 households in Mulanje, calls for more interventions as many are still going hungry

Chaponda feeds 150 households in Mulanje, calls for more interventions as many are still going hungry
Chaponda feeds 150 households in Mulanje, calls for more interventions as many are still going hungry

Africa-Press – Malawi. Member of Parliament for Mulanje South West, Dr George Chaponda has emphasized the need for more hunger interventions in rural as many people are struggling to access food.

Dr Chaponda made the remarks after distributing bags of maize and soya pieces to 150 households at Chonde in Mulanje district. According to him, the distribution of food will be an ongoing exercise in his constituency.

“This will assist in alleviating hunger situation that people in my constituency are facing and the whole country at large,” Chaponda said.

In her remarks, one of the beneficiaries from Malembe village, Filesi Wyson, said there is an excitement after receiving maize and Soya pieces.

She said: “We have been staying a couple of days without eating any food and this will assist us in many ways.”

Many parts of the country have been affected with drought and therefore resilience programs are the only solution to alleviate the situation.

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