Chieftainship wrangles derailing development, says Chimwendo

Chieftainship wrangles derailing development, says Chimwendo
Chieftainship wrangles derailing development, says Chimwendo

Africa-Press – Malawi. Local Government, Unity and Culture Minister Richard Chimwendo Banda says Chieftainship wrangles are derailing development in the country. Banda was speaking this on Friday in Chiradzulu after installing Hendrix Afia Napolo as the new Traditional Authority Nkalo.

He said that some wrangles have been in court for over 10 years and this has slowed development and representation of people at council meetings. “Chiefs plays a vital role in bringing development and sustaining it, they bring peace and for that reason its good that chiefs should take government projects as the priotize so that we end poverty together,” said Banda.

He then recommended what Nkalo family has done by resolving chieftainship issues they had within a space of three months without involving court which is rarely happening in the country as other cases have been in court for over 10 years now without being resolved.

“Let me also take advantage to ask all chiefs to keep your eyes and report anyone who is being involved in corruption in the on-going maize sale in our Admarc’s, as some Admarc officers are selling maize to vendors during the night so you have to responsible in making sure that your people are able to buy maize without hiccups,” Banda added.

During the installation, it was also known that honoraria of the chiefs which was increased times two by government some months ago will now be active from 1st October.

The newly installed chief was born in 1965. He holds bachelor degree of commence and before turning into power he was working as the director of finance at the Southern Region Water Board. The development comes a year after Senior Chief Nkalo number four died.

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