Chitipa Council loses K2 million after vendors stop paying market fees

Chitipa Council loses K2 million after vendors stop paying market fees
Chitipa Council loses K2 million after vendors stop paying market fees

Africa-Press – Malawi. Chitipa District Council has lost over K2 million in revenue collection in the month of September, 2023 because vendors at Chitipa Main Market have stopped paying market fees demanding authorities to deploy more security guards to guard the market.

One of the vendors at Chitipa main market, Moses Nyondo, confirmed that the vendors stopped paying market fees due to theft, which is rampant in the market because of shortage of security guards.

“The District Council provided only four security guards to provide security to this big market and that’s why thieves have been continuously breaking into shops and going away with goods,” said Nyondo.

The market’s chairperson, Medison said vendors decided to stop paying market fees so that the district council should put gates and maintain a fence to enhance security of their goods to be protected from thieves.

“As vendors we are ready to start paying market fees, but subject to the fulfilment of the demand we put forward to the authorities, especially the deployment of additional 10 security guards to man the market. As for the fixing of the gates, the authorities have done that,” he said.

When contacted, Chitipa Main Market Master refused to comment and referred the reporter to Chitipa District Council authorities. Meanwhile the Director of Finance for Chitipa District Council, Gift Msowoya said he is not aware that vendors stopped paying market fees.

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