DPP concerned with security lapse in Malawi

DPP concerned with security lapse in Malawi
DPP concerned with security lapse in Malawi

Africa-Press – Malawi. The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has expressed concern over the recent news of killings, robbery and terror in the country. Through a statement released by the party, signed by DPP’s spokesperson, Shadric Namalomba, the party says the continued terror in the country highlights the failure of Chakwera government to protect it’s people.

“The Democratic Progressive Party DPP is deeply concerned with a recent spate and increase in violence, terror and total break down of security. There are now unprecedented rise in murder, cold blood killings, robberies, attacks and assaults, all happening under the watch of president Chakwera and his MCP dominated Tonse Alliance.

” We issue this statement to say NO to this violence and we condemn Chakwera indifference to the suffering of people and business,” it stated. DPP has further reiterated that the current situation is pathetic and has brought fear in people’s lives.

“Under the Tonse Alliance administration, the country has witnessed the increase in cases of armed robbery, carjackings, break-ins and even politically motivated violence. These incidences have created fear among the people” it further highlighted.

The opposition party also stated that the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has not changed its colors of violence hence the DPP will not allow this to continue.

“Unfortunately, the murders and violence are reminding Malawians of MCP’s style of using violence and terror. The attacks are destabilizing an already fragile economy, shortening the life span of businesses and dashed the hopes for survival of innocent Malawians,” it stated.

DPP has since called for investigations and proper cooperation among the police, judiciary and other authorities in order to deal with the current situation.

DPP has warned MCP against any form of violence, saying the opposition party will not sit still on this matter and it will expose the Tonse Alliance administration of its plan to use this situation to rig the 2025 elections.

The statement follows three separate murder cases, including two in Lilongwe where people were killed and their bodies were dumped in vehicles. Agnes Katengeza found murdered in Lilongwe.

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