Everything going on in the Warm Heart of Africa

Everything going on in the Warm Heart of Africa
Everything going on in the Warm Heart of Africa

Africa-PressMalawi. Many people know very little about Africa or Malawi. This needs to change because Malawi is one of the best tourist destinations in the land. It is often referred to as the Warm Heart of Africa and that has nothing to do with its aesthetics or location. Instead, it is about the people. Malawi is home to some of the nicest people on the planet. It is home to more than 18 million people with a GDP of nearly $8 billion. Another thing to note is that the Republic of Malawi is home to people who speak Chewa and English. Within this guide, you’re going to learn more about everything going on in Malawi right now.

Reinstated Field Command

Earlier this month, it was announced that the Malawi President has reinstated a fired army commander. President Lazarus Chakwera fired the army chief before replacing him with another commander who was dismissed in March by his predecessor. On Tuesday, Chakwera spoke on the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation saying that the sacking of General Vincent Nundwe was not procedural. The President said that the former President had the responsibility for the Malawi Defense Force but it was improper for him to use such powers without cause.

Therefore, the President redeployed General Nundwe as commander of the Malawi Defense Force. Former President Mutharika fired the commander in March after he allowed the military to protect demonstrators who had been protesting the results of the elections. The President said he was making this decision to heal the injury and injustice of the unfair decision made by the former president.

Journalists Threatened

Meanwhile, it has been revealed that Malawi journalists were threatened over things they said about the area’s education policies amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As early as August 18, 2020, unidentified individuals on social media threatened journalists George Kasakula and Stevie Kondwa Banda due to their commentary on the pandemic. Facebook and WhatsApp users sent messages to Banada referring to him as an “enemy of teachers”.

They also threatened to deal with his 6-year-old daughter when she returned to school. The messages came shortly after Banda said that teachers should not receive any type of special allowances provided to medical workers during the pandemic.

Chawezi Banda confirmed that unidentified individuals were threatening to take action against Stevie if he did not apologize for those comments. Furthermore, the trade group, Concerned Teachers, issued a statement demanding Banda and the television station apologize within 72 hours or protestors would show up at their headquarters. Stevie admitted he did not report the threats to police because he believed they were made in the heat of the moment by angry teachers. The station has apologized.

Player Safety

Football is one of the hottest sports in Malawi. So, locals cannot wait to watch the games once again. Locals flock to an onlinecasino so they can place bids on the games. With that being said, nobody wants to put the places at risk. This is why the Football Association of Malawi has assured players of their safety from COVID-19 when football returns to action. FAM President Walter Nyamilandu has confirmed that the association had a detailed medical protocol to ensure that players will be protected. He went on to say that the FAM treasures its players since they’re the heart and soul of the game.

He said that they’ve come up with protocols that will cover the whole process from the start of training to match days with an emphasis on player safety. Players admit they’re struggling financially since some clubs have stopped paying stuff and others are receiving half pay. Players can rest assured knowing they’ll be protected when football returns to action. This ensures that fans and players will be able to enjoy the games to the fullest.


Malawi is an interesting republic with genuinely nice people. With that being said, everyone should think about visiting this area once or twice. While it has been negatively impacted by COVID-19, Malawi is going to bounce back nicely. When football returns, fans will flock to the local stadiums so they can enjoy the games in person. Furthermore, the country’s political climate is spiraling out of control. This is why everyone should pay close attention to Malawi and everything going on in the area.


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