FDH Bank supports marketers indaba

FDH Bank supports marketers indaba
FDH Bank supports marketers indaba

Africa-Press – Malawi. FDH Bank on Tuesday committed K3 million to the Institute of Marketers in Malawi (IMM) to go towards hosting of this year’s lakeshore conference. The indaba will be held between October 26 and 29 at Sunbird Livingstonia Beach in Salima District.

The meeting will be held under the theme ‘From Thriving to Surviving; Scaling Towards Excellences. FDH Marketing Manager Lorraine Chikhula said the institute’s aspirations augers well with the bank’s desires to make a difference.

She said the support was also a way of giving back to the community. “FDH Bank supports various initiatives in our communities and we consider this as giving back to our community.

IMM Public Relations Director and chairperson of the conference’s organising committee George Damson thanked the bank for what he rated as timely support.

“We want to ensure that the conference equips marketers. We are trying not to make the conference an academic one where we are just looking at strategies but we want to make sure that the people who are behind these strategies are well equipped,” he said.

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