Fire destroys fertilizer in Liwonde

Fire destroys fertilizer in Liwonde
Fire destroys fertilizer in Liwonde

Africa-Press – Malawi. Fire has damaged two trucks and destroyed bags of fertilizer at Malawi Fertilizer Company in Liwonde. Liwonde police officer in charge Ulemu Kaluwa said the incident happened at around 1AM today.

Kalua said an empty truck registration number DZ11225 belonging to Nyakhaula logisticts and a lorry registration number NS4654 belonging to Mary Mose transport were parked next to each other at the company.

The fire first caught the empty truck and spread to the lorry which was loaded with 400 bags of fertilizer. “The vehicle had 400 bags of fertilizer loaded and a lot of bags have been destroyed. The cause of the fire is not yet known, we are waiting for a technical team to work on that,” said Kalua. The Liwonde Police chief further said that no injuries have been recorded following the incident as the drivers got out before the trucks got burned.

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