Kachasu claims man’s life in Mwanza

Kachasu claims man’s life in Mwanza
Kachasu claims man’s life in Mwanza

Africa-Press – Malawi. A 36-year-old man in Mwanza district has died in the afternoon of Tuesday after taking Kachasu on empty stomach. Speaking with Malawi24, Mwanza Police spokesperson Hope Kasakula confirmed of the incident and identified the victim as Samson Magombo aged 36 from John Village in the area of Traditional Authority Kanduku in the district.

Kasakula said Magombo became weak and suddenly unconscious. Police received a report and rushed to the scene where they found Magombo dead in his house at around 5 o’clock in the evening after he came from a drinking joint.

According to Mwanza police spokesperson, Magombo died due to hypoglycemia secondary to intoxication. Kasakula further advised people to always eat some food before they consume alcohol to avoid such untimely loses.

Alcohol poisoning happens when there’s so much alcohol in a person’s bloodstream that it starts shutting down life-supporting areas of the brain since these areas control breathing, heart rate and temperature. Alcohol poisoning is life-threatening.

Reports indicates that alcohol poisoning typically happens when a person consume a large amount of alcohol in a short amount of time It and often happens from drinking excess alcohol-containing beverages, like beer, wine or liquor.

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