Man found with Indian hemp at Jenda

Man found with Indian hemp at Jenda
Man found with Indian hemp at Jenda

Africa-Press – Malawi. Police at Jenda are keeping in custody a 22-year-old man, Stephano Mwanguku, on suspicion that he was found in possession of cannabis sativa without a permit on September 17, 2023 at Jenda in Mzimba.

It is alleged that around 20:00 hours Jenda police got information that someone was having a 90 kilograma bag of cannabis sativa at Embangweni junction within Jenda trading centre waiting to board a motor vehicle to unknown destination.

Following up on a tip-off, Police arrested Mwanguku whilst in possession of the hemp and failed to produce any documentation that allowed him to possess such drug.

The law enforcer seized the hemp and sent it to Lunyangwa research station in Mzuzu for analysis. The suspect will appear before court in due course on the charge of being found in possession of cannabis sativa without license contrary to section 8 subsection (b) of the Dangerous Drugs Act. Stephano Mwanguku hails from Nachiphu village, Traditional Authority Mwaulambia in Chitipa district.

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