Monkey Bay Police call for vibrant community policing to deal with crime

Monkey Bay Police call for vibrant community policing to deal with crime
Monkey Bay Police call for vibrant community policing to deal with crime

Africa-Press – Malawi. Monkey Bay Police Station Officer ln-Charge, Senior Superintendent Sinakadze Clifford Mkweche has called on people of Group Village head Msumbi in Traditional Authority Nankumba to collaborate with the police to deal with crime in their area.

The Officer ln Charge made the call at Group Village head Msumbi where the police had an interface meeting with local leaders and their subjects on issues of security and safety plus importance of working hand in hand with the police to deal with crime.

Senior Superintendent Mkweche said there is need for community level policing structures to work hand in hand with the police during night patrols adding that this was an effective way to deal with livestock theft and burglary and theft in Msunbi area.

He, however, FAULTED those that let their livestock (cattle and goats) to roam around without anyone to attend to them saying this attracts theft of livestock.

“There is need to unite in the fight against crime in this area and let me appeal to you that you should form community level policing group to deal with crime,” the Monkey Bay Police Officer In Charge added.

He therefore asked traditional leaders and their subjects to formulate bylaws that should regulate movement of livestock and discipline those that will let their livestock roam around.

Senior Superintendent Mkweche also bemoaned school dropout among children that opt to go to the lake to fish saying bylaws should also be applied to stop the tendency.

“Let me appeal that the children should be chased away once seen at the lake during school days,” he added.

Community Policing Chairperson for Monkey Bay area, Levinson Phiri said he will encourage young people in Msumbi area to take active role in issues of community policing especially during night patrols to check crime.

On cash for work and other safety net programmes, Phiri called on local leaders to also include those that are active on issues of community policing as beneficiaries saying they need to be motivated for their contribution to community security and safety.

Group Village head Msumbi pledged that he will encourage young people to take active role in community policing to ensure that 2023 is a year of reduced crime.

The Group Village head also said he will stop children from loitering around the lake at the expense of child education. Monkey Bay Police is intensifying formation of community policing structures as one way of dealing with crime in Senior Chief Nankumba’s area.

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