Mozambican man found with ivory in Malawi

Mozambican man found with ivory in Malawi
Mozambican man found with ivory in Malawi

Africa-Press – Malawi. Police at Namwera in Mangochi have arrested 26-year-old Mozambican national Moses Paul Banda for illegal possession of ivory. Banda was arrested yesterday by police detectives at Namwera in Mangochi.

According to Mangochi Police spokesperson Inspector Amina Tepani Daudi, Police received a tip from members of the community that the suspect was attempting to sell pieces of elephant ivory.

The detectives teamed up with the Wildlife Crime Investigation Unit and they intercepted the suspect while he was on a motorcycle crossing Mandimba Bridge, heading towards Chiponde direction.

“He was found two pieces of raw tusk weighing 5 kilograms each hidden inside the bag that the man was carrying,” said Daudi.

The suspect will appear before court soon after investigations are completed to answer the charge of illegal possession of specimen of listed species without a licence contrary to section 110(b) of National Parks and Wildlife Act.

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