Musician Gwaladi out on bail

Musician Gwaladi out on bail
Musician Gwaladi out on bail

Africa-Press – Malawi. Phalombe First Grade Magistrate has released on bail musician Joe Gwaladi, “the born again” who was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife. Gwaladi was arrested on Monday last week on allegations that he assaulted and injured his wife, resulting in the amputation of her left toe.

Phalombe First Grade Magistrate Leonard Fletcher Mtosa last week Friday denied Gwaladi bail on grounds that he has been violating his past bail conditions in previous cases.

However, Gwaladi who pleaded not guilty can now breath a sigh of relief as reports indicate that the same court has on Monday granted bail to the ‘Tumbocid’ hit maker.

Apart from his arrest, Gwaladi has been the talk of the week as he announced that he has switched to gospel music saying he want to be serving the Lord through his music.

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