Namibia’s president Hage Geingob dies aged 82

Namibia’s president Hage Geingob dies aged 82
Namibia’s president Hage Geingob dies aged 82

Africa-Press – Malawi. President of Namibia Hage Geingob has died in the early hours of Sunday while receiving medical treatment at a hospital in the capital, Windhoek. Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba has announced Geingob’s death.

“At his side was his dear wife Madame Monica Geingos and his children,” Mbumba said in a statement. Last month, the 82-old leader revealed to the public that he had been diagnosed with cancer.

He had returned last Wednesday from a trip to the United States, where he was undergoing a two-day treatment as part of a medical trial, according to his office.

“His medical team, as I informed the nation only yesterday, has been trying its utmost best to ensure that our president recovers. Regrettably, notwithstanding the team’s spirited effort to save his life, sadly, fellow Namibians, President Geingob passed on,” Mbumba said.

Mr Geingob became president in 2015 and was serving his second and final term in office. He also served as the country’s first prime minister, a position he held from 1990 to 2002 under former President Sam Nujoma, after Namibia gained independence from South Africa. Namibia is due to hold presidential and parliamentary elections in November.

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