Nankhumwa left in the cold on shadow cabinet list

Nankhumwa left in the cold on shadow cabinet list
Nankhumwa left in the cold on shadow cabinet list

Africa-Press – Malawi. Dust is refusing to settle in the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as Leader of Opposition, Kondwani Nankhumwa’s shadow cabinet list members are distancing themselves from the shadow cabinet.

In the latest development, Chiradzulu South Legislator, Joseph Mwanamvekha, who once served as Minister of Finance during the DPP administration has tendered his resignation as shadow Minister of Finance.

Mwanamveka in a letter sent to Nankhumwa and copied to Speaker of Parliament, says he has done so because the DPP leadership was not consulted, which is contrary to the etiquette and discipline of the party.

On Wednesday, Machinga Likwenu Parliamentarian, Bright Msaka, who is also former Minister of Justice, also distanced himself from the shadow cabinet. DPP Administrative Secretary, Francis Mphepo, accused Nankhumwa of appointing a shadow cabinet although the party’s constitution does not recognise it.

A legal practitioner, John Gift Mwakhwawa indicated that Malawi’s Constitution and DPP standing orders do not recognise shadow cabinets. But Mark Botoman, who Nankhumwa appointed as Minister of Information and Digitisation insists that the shadow cabinet is crucial and those resigning are just exercising their rights. Nankhumwa who is also DPP’s Southern region vice president has been in bad books with DPP leadership.

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