Passengers stranded after Ethiopian Airlines plane develops fault

Passengers stranded after Ethiopian Airlines plane develops fault
Passengers stranded after Ethiopian Airlines plane develops fault

Africa-Press – Malawi. An Ethiopian Airlines plane has developed a fault at Kamuzu Kamuzu International Airport (KIA) in Lilongwe, leaving passengers stranded. The plane, Ethiopian Airlines flight ET42, was supposed to take passengers from KIA in Lilongwe to Chileka International Airport in Blantyre.

The plane was scheduled to depart KIA at 4pm and arrive at Chileka International Airport at 4:40pm. Passengers had already checked-in when they were informed that the plane would not be leaving.

Nation Online reported that KIA station manager Asayile Philip Malanga has since told the passengers that the airport is working on finding accommodation so that they can spend the night while the plane is being fixed. Malanga, however, was not sure if the plane will depart for Blantyre in the morning.

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