Youth director aspirant vows to revive youths’ love for DPP

Youth director aspirant vows to revive youths’ love for DPP
Youth director aspirant vows to revive youths’ love for DPP

Africa-Press – Malawi. Ishmael Jarid, 35, who has expressed interest to contest on the position of national youth director at the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) convention, says he wants to revive youths’ love and trust for the party.

Last year in October, DPP President Peter Mutharika announced that the party has finalised formation of guidelines for an elective convention which he said will be held in July this year ahead of the 2025 tripartite elections.

Since the convention announcement was made, several party members have expressed interest to contest in various positions and of late, Jarid says he want to contest on the position of National Youth Director.

Jarid, who comes from Njingama village in the area of Traditional Authority Chimwala which, is under Mkungulu Constituency in Mangochi, told Malawi24 that his interest has come on the sidelines that most politicians have been abusing this position.

The aspirant who was unsuccessful in 2019 Member of Parliament elections on an independent ticket, says it is very disappointing that the director of youth position has for a long time been used as a tool to victimise opponents which he said will not be the case if he is elected as DPP National Director of Youth.

He further mentioned that once elected to the position, he will make sure that youths’ love for the party which he said has for the meantime faded, is revived and added that he will also make sure that less privileged youths are having access to education through technical colleges.

“I want to bring youths together and revive their love and trust for DPP. They should again trust that DPP is the only party that can change their lives in reference to the party’s vision which saw it investing so much on technical colleges which has become the only key to success among youths across the country.

“Since Malawi was declared a democratic nation, politicians have been abusing the youth director position by assigning youths to various uncalled for practice and if elected, I will make sure that this is put to rest,” said Jarid.

While describing DPP as unbiased when it comes to party elections, Jarid said he is hopeful that he will make it to the position and help the party authorities in making DPP a better place for every member.

As of now, the position which Jarid will be vying for, is occupied by Dyton Mussa who is on bail after being arrested in relation to the torching of United Transformation Movement (UTM) office in Area 24 in 2020 which led to the death of three family members.

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