Zikhale says MCP not leaving Govt soon

Zikhale says MCP not leaving Govt soon
Zikhale says MCP not leaving Govt soon

Africa-Press – Malawi. Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Director of Strategic Planning who is also Minister of Homeland and Security Ken Zikhale Ng’oma says MCP led by President Lazarus Chakwera is gaining more support which he has described as a sign that the party is not going to be out of government soon.

The minister was speaking on Saturday during a political rally at Mbulumbudzi Trading Centre in Chiradzulu. Zikhale claimed that the MCP government has fixed electricity challenges and other problems in the country and he claimed that the party is gaining support.

He called on people not to feel shy to join the party saying people should work together to develop Malawi. “Chiradzulu and Southern region at large should join MCP and enjoy the cake that central and Northern region is enjoying now, so that when we go for the next elections we win with over 70 percent votes,” he said.

Before the rally, the Minister visited bereaved family of late Senior Chief Mpama who died two weeks ago due to heart attack. During the rally, the minister also promised to construct a football ground near Mbulumbudzi Trading Centre as one way of empowering youths.

In his words, Senior Chief Mchema appealed to government to open Mbulumbudzi ADMARC saying hunger is at peak in the district. Among other politicians who accompanied him were MCP Director of Women Madam Florence Nyoni, Regional Chairman Peter Simbi and MCP NEC member Charles Josh.

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