Unity is a Must in Mauritius

Unity is a Must in Mauritius
Unity is a Must in Mauritius

Africa-Press – Mauritius. As a retired trade unionist, I believe that it is time for us to join hands and create a united trade union force to protect the interests of working people, their families, and society as a whole.

There are several dedicated trade unionists working hard to give their members satisfaction. However, the current situation in Mauritius and overseas demands a truly strong trade union force to protect the interests and dignity of workers.

A united trade union movement is essential in Mauritius. Small unions and federations cannot stand up to the powerful employers’ confederation and the government.

It is sad to say that many employers do not even respect the minimum Mauritian labour laws and ILO conventions. I urge all sincere and committed trade unionists to join hands together with the aim of merging their federations or confederations.

I believe that with goodwill Mauritius can have a united trade union movement that will earn the respect of both the government and employers in general.

Here are some examples of the past successes of trade union unity in Mauritius: • In 1921, a single man named Willy Moutou led the first successful attempt at trade union unity in Mauritius.

At the time, there was no trade union law in Mauritius, so this was a bold and courageous move. • In 1944, Emmanuel Anquetil, the father of the trade union movement in Mauritius, created the first trade union federation, the Mauritius Trade Union Congress (MTUC).

• In 1988, the trade unions united to form the National Trade Unions Council (NTUC) in response to the Sinotex strike.

The NTUC was able to secure the release of three trade unionists who had been jailed, and it also forced the government to pay an anticipated salary compensation to all workers.

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