Frelimo mayoral candidate for Homoíne had not registered there

Frelimo mayoral candidate for Homoíne had not registered there
Frelimo mayoral candidate for Homoíne had not registered there

Africa-Press – Mozambique. A mobile phone text message (SMS) on Wednesday (19 July) declared that Marcelino Samuel Langa is no longer the head of the Frelimo list (the mayoral candidate) for the municipal elections in Homoine, Inhambane. According to the District Committee, Marcelino Langa “did not win the Frelimo internal elections for head of the list”. The winner was Juvial Setina.

Although he came first in the internal elections, Marcelino Langa was disqualified on 19 July, “because he did not register [as a voter] in Homoine town”, which made him lose “the right to be the legitimate winner”, the SMS continued.

“Brothers, followers, supporters, we have chosen this way to calm everyone down”, continued the message. “Nothing has been lost. He, the winning candidate, although defeated, remains firm in favour of projects to bring jobs to the community. So we appeal for calm, and that we should continue to support him, in all firmness that nothing is lost”. The message concluded with a pledge: “What was promised will happen (in the mouths of the elders only teeth rot, and never words)”

With the votes of the majority, formed by supporters of Frelimo, the CNE approved the Democratic Revolution (RD) party to stand in the municipal elections.

RD was founded by Renamo dissidents who oppose the leadership of Renamo President Ossufo Momade. It is led by a former senior Renamo figure, Vitano Singano. Democratic Revolution’s party emblem uses images of the first leader of Renamo, André Matsangaiça, and of his successor, Afonso Dhlakama, which Renamo says is improper. (see details in Bulletin 115)

Renamo says it has obtained a positive opinion from the Ministry of Justice. If this opinion is confirmed, it will oblige DR to change its emblem. If the opinion is negative or does not arrive in time, Renamo will submit an appeal to the Constitutional Council seeking to annul the registration of this party.

Nomination papers for candidates for the municipal elections from the political parties, coalitions and groups of citizens in all the provinces can be submitted to the CNE from this Thursday (20 July) until 11 August. Candidates are submitted by the 23 parties, coalitions, and groups of citizens approved by the CNE

The number of groups of citizens registered may still grow, since the paperwork of most of the associations that registered in the provinces has not yet reached the CNE for approval. The CIP Elections Bulletin knows that by tomorrow (21 July) the CNE will announce the definitive list of registrations.

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