Impalila Base renamed

Impalila Base renamed
Impalila Base renamed

Africa-Press – Namibia. THE Naval Base and jetty were officially renamed after Lieutenant General John Mutwa, one of the gallant sons of this region, on Wednesday.

Minister of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs, Frans Kapofi, said the renaming is a fitting tribute to all their brave men and women in uniform, past and present, who have dedicated their lives to defending our nation.

“It reminds us of the debt of gratitude we owe to those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom and security,” he said.

He added that Mutwa displayed extraordinary courage and resilience throughout his distinguished career.

Kapofi indicated that his contributions to the nation’s security were invaluable and immeasurable, from leading troops into battle to shaping military strategy.

Kapofi emphasized that the Naval Base, formerly used by the South African Defence Force before Namibia’s independence, later served as a secondary school for the Impalila community until 2012.

In August 2014, the Defence Ministry initiated the rehabilitation of the base, which was completed in October 2017.

Simultaneously, work on the jetty began in April 2016 and concluded in October 2017.

Kapofi indicated that before the rehabilitation of the base, the island faced numerous security challenges, including illegal border crossings, unregulated fishing, poaching, theft, and drug smuggling.

“These issues prompted the Namibian Navy to establish a naval district covering the Zambezi, Chobe, and Kavango rivers, emphasizing the importance of fortifying security in the region,” he said.

He added that these security challenges have significantly decreased since the Navy’s deployment and subsequent patrols.

Moreover, Kapofi indicated that collaborating with the Namibian Police Force, Impalila Conservancy Authority, the local community, and law enforcement from neighbouring countries, the navy successfully conducted individual and joint operations.

“These operations reduced crime and enhanced safety within the local community, fostering a more secure environment,” he added.

He explained that the improved security has benefited the local community and strengthened cooperation between neighbouring countries.

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