NSSU team ready for action in Serbia

NSSU team ready for action in Serbia
NSSU team ready for action in Serbia

Africa-PressNamibia. Namibia’s Schools Sport Union team arrived in Belgrade, Serbia, where it will take part in the inaugural U/15 World School Sport Games in Belgrade, Serbia.

In a video, NSSU coordinator Solly Duiker said that while the team had arrived much of the focus was going to be the different athletic bodies from different countries meeting, while athletics would train at 10a.m in the morning.

“Chess is already warming up at the hotel where they are staying.”

Around 2 500 students between the ages of 13 and 15 from 42 countries are set to test their mettle in 14 sporting disciplines.

However, Namibia sent a team of 17 athletes to the competition; 11 competing in athletics and six in chess.


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