Venaani Calls the Appointment of New Ombudsman Dyakugha as “Oviporoporo”

Venaani Calls the Appointment of New Ombudsman Dyakugha as “Oviporoporo”
Venaani Calls the Appointment of New Ombudsman Dyakugha as “Oviporoporo”

Africa-PressNamibia. McHenry Venaani, being a national leader and head of the official opposition party of the nation, carelessly absorbed and reacted towards the appointment and/or the process through which Mr Basilius Dyakugha was appointed as the new Ombudsman of Namibia.

Hon. Venaani took to social media sharing tweets which stated, “We condemn the Judicial Service Commision’s recommendation and President Hage Geingob’s appointment of the least best candidate as Ombudsman. The public interviews clearly revealed who was the best. It shows merit is disregarded and that is very low of the appointing authority. Oviporoporo.” He then binned/discarded everything that led to the appointment of Mr Basilius Dyakugha as the new Namibia’s Ombudsman.

Venaani created criticism after posting his views on Twitter and some responses went so far as calling him a tribalist. Mr Basilius Dyakugha was appointed as Namibia’s new Ombudsman by President Hage Geingob on the 2nd of September 2021, following interviews of the position which was held live on facebook for transparency purposes but which outcome cannot be questioned by the public as it serves no purpose since there is an entrusted commission (JSC) which analyzed and rated the performance of the interviewed candidates.

Victorious and appointed Dyakugha was among two other shortlisted candidates as such one cannot without considerations of the laws in place label the appointment in question as flawed/ oviporoporo as evidently done by a lawmaker, Hon. McHenry Venaani.

“Does this mean he and PDM as a party and for it being an official opposition party have no plans to treat Namibians as equal beings within the parameters of given confinements? Does this not make it part of the priorities of our official opposition party (PDM) and leader Hon. McHenry Venaani, to work and correct the inequality which exists in the country and to which the people of the Kavango Regions have been victims and have been suffering to over the years if given the mandate? What should we as a region and country at large make of such a national leader?” says Frans Kandjilu, Kavango East and West IPC Spokesperson.

The people of Kavango region demand that Hon. McHenry Venaani withdraws his flawed remarks which he forgot to label so and instead labeled the lawful JSC recommendation and processes which were followed to appoint deserving Baisilius Dyakugha as the new Namibia’s Ombudsman.

“IPC Kavango East and West leadership, members and sympathizers hereby congratulate Mr Basilius Dyakugha for being appointed as Namibia’s new Ombudsman and wish him the best of luck in exercising and upholding the functions of this institution which we are confident that he will do.”


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