Nigerian military blames civilians for Northeast insecurity, attacks on troops

Nigerian military blames civilians for Northeast insecurity, attacks on troops
Nigerian military blames civilians for Northeast insecurity, attacks on troops

Africa-PressNigeria. The Nigerian military has accused civilians of failing to provide information about terrorists and their activities.

Major General John Enenche, Coordinator of Defence Media Operations, on Channels Television’s Sunrise Daily, dismissed the allegations of sabotage made against the military.

He insisted that for effectiveness of operations, citizens must offer credible intelligence.

“You need a guide, you need information. Will they tell us? That’s one of the issues we have been ensuring to overcome, with civil-military cooperation activities, reaching out to them, even sending people by proxy to talk to them.”

The spokesman lamented that locals keep quiet even when they know insurgents have planted bombs against troops.

“Our patrols will pass through a route, in a village. By the time you are going, some people are looking at you. When you are coming back, the next thing is that you meet an IED planted on the road. And people saw them, they won’t tell you.”

Enenche added that it is not possible to force information out of people.

The General said the military is trying to build up people’s confidence in the system and encourage them to divulge useful information.


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