Nigerians have confidence in National Assembly – Lawan

Nigerians have confidence in National Assembly – Lawan
Nigerians have confidence in National Assembly – Lawan

Africa-PressNigeria. Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, said the National Assembly enjoys the confidence of Nigerians.

He cited the growing number of petitions brought before the Ninth Assembly.

Lawan spoke on Tuesday at the commencement of plenary.

He said the federal legislature’s interventions are fast becoming the hope of the common Nigerian in the quest to seek Justice.

Lawan commended the Senator Ayo Akinyelure-led Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions for prompt actions on matters referred to it by the chamber.

“The National Assembly enjoys the confidence of Nigerians. The quasi-Judicial function is in addition to representation, legislation, and of course, oversight.

“I want to congratulate our Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions for working so hard and getting results.

“We receive petitions here because we have been able to resolve so many knotty issues”, the Senate President added.


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