Supreme Court fire did not affect election petition documents – Spokesman, Akande

Supreme Court fire did not affect election petition documents – Spokesman, Akande
Supreme Court fire did not affect election petition documents – Spokesman, Akande

Africa-Press – Nigeria. Director of Press and Information of the Supreme Court, Dr Festus Akande, on Monday, said the fire incident that happened on Monday morning at the Court’s building did not affect the presidential election petition tribunal.

DAILY POST recalls that fire engulfed some sections of the apex court in the Federal Capital Territory on Monday.

However, the incident was put under control by the police and firefighters.

Reacting on Monday, Dr. Akande said only one chamber of the Supreme Court was affected by the fire, which was subsequently doused.

“What was destroyed in that chamber were books, stationery, and other computer gadgets. The books are replaceable because we have an e-library.

“We have the soft copy of the books and also the hard copy which can be procured and supplied to the chamber. So it has nothing to do with the Presidential Election Petition, as people are saying outside. Such issues as presidential election matters are not discussed in the chamber, inside the court.” he said

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