2022 World Cup: NFF reacts to rumours of FIFA ban on Abuja Stadium

2022 World Cup: NFF reacts to rumours of FIFA ban on Abuja Stadium
2022 World Cup: NFF reacts to rumours of FIFA ban on Abuja Stadium

Africa-Press – Nigeria. The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has dismissed reports that the MKO Abiola National Stadium, Abuja, has been banned by FIFA following Nigeria’s 2022 World Cup playoff defeat to Ghana on Tuesday.

NFF also denied other trending reports that the VAR machines at the Abuja stadium were stolen after Ghana played a 1-1 draw with the Super Eagles in the second leg playoff.

Recall that the MKO Stadium was desecrated on Tuesday night by irate fans after Nigeria lost a 2022 World Cup ticket to Ghana.

Fans trooped into the pitch following the final whistle and destroyed properties on the ground.

Reports had emerged online that the stadium has been banned by FIFA.

However, NFF General Secretary, Mohammed Sanusi said in a statement released on Friday said that the news which has trended on social media was not true.

“We are alarmed at the influx of incorrect reports, otherwise known as fake news, mostly on social media. There is no truth to the reports that the Moshood Abiola National Stadium, Abuja has been banned for any length of time by FIFA.”

“There has also been an outlandish report that the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) equipment that was installed for the match had been stolen. We initially thought this was an April Fool prank but it is alarming that some media outlets are taking it seriously.

“Nothing of such happened. The VAR equipment remains intact and has been returned to the FIFA office in Zurich, Switzerland by Sebastian Runge, FIFA’s Head of Technology,” the statement added.

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