Volleyball league playoffs: Intense battles await

Volleyball league playoffs: Intense battles await
Volleyball league playoffs: Intense battles await

Africa-Press – Rwanda. Friday


APR Vs Police 4:30pm


APR Vs Kepler 6:30pm

The playoffs of the men’s and women’s national volleyball leagues have now narrowed down to two teams that will tussle it out in the finals.

In the men’s category, APR VC will be up against the new albeit formidable side Kepler VC, while in the women’s category, Peter Kamasa’s APR VC will face Christian Hatumimana’s Police.

The playoffs’ finals will start on Friday, May 24 and will be played in a best of three series which will end on Sunday.

Speaking to Times Sport, Fidele Nyirimana, the head coach of Kepler men’s team, said he has urged his players to put up a strong start in the series.

“Every game matters in these playoffs but a good start matters the most. We are going into Game 1 aiming for a strong start,” he noted.

APR men’s head coach Sammy Mulinge said he also wants to win the first game.

“This game is a must-win for us. We have been training hard throughout this week. Sharp services and blocks are some of our key strengths,” he noted.

In the third place playoffs, Police VC will take on Rwanda Energy Group in the men’s category while Ruhango will be up against Rwanda Revenue Authority.

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