26 new soldiers join SDF

26 new soldiers join SDF
26 new soldiers join SDF

Africa-Press – Seychelles. The Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF) has welcomed 26 recruits in its ranks after they successfully completed six weeks of basic military training held mostly at the SDF military training centre, Barbarons.

The new soldiers took their Oath of Allegiance in a short ceremony held yesterday afternoon at the Defence Forces Academy base at the Seychelles Coast Guard, Ile Perseverance.

Present were the chief of the Armed Forces, Brigadier Michael Rosette; the chief of staff, Colonel Jean Attala; high officials of the SDF and family members.

It was Brigadier Rosette who had the honour of presenting the special support cadre recruits, comprising 14 gentlemen and 12 ladies, with their national flag patch after which they read the credo for Seychellois soldiers.

This was followed by the presentation of certificates.

To note, the new soldiers will not serve as combatants but will serve in technical field and administration among others, where they will contribute towards the development of the force and their careers.

Their basic training included theoretical and practical sessions in weaponry, communication, administration and organisation planning among others.

The 26 young privates started training on January 19, 2024.

In an interview with the media, the Commander of the Military Training and Support Centre, Lieutenant Colonel Didace Hoareau, said that given they are not military combatants, their training had been less intensive and in a shorter period of time as compared to normal basic training for recruit combatants which takes place over 12 weeks.

They are part of the SDF’s Special Support Cadre Programme launched for civilian professionals to feel gaps in administration and in other technical fields, said Lieutenant Colonel Hoareau.

According to him, SDF had some vacancies in non-combative fields and the programme cadre was designed to attract professionals aged 18 to 35 years in those areas to fill in the gaps.

SDF also considers taking onboard professionals above the required age limit depending on their qualifications and if the vacancies are available.

“Their working conditions will not be like for full military combatants. Given that they will not be involved in going out to war, we only give them the basics for them to get acquainted with military life,” explained Lieutenant Colonel Hoareau, who noted that SDF will continue with the programme when in need.

Earlier in his address, Brigadier Rosette welcomed the new soldiers on behalf of the Commander in Chief, President Wavel Ramkalawan, calling on them to put into practice what they have learned during the six weeks.

He also told them to take advantage of other specialised trainings that will be offered to them to further develop their career.

To officers and other ranks, he called on them to guide the new soldiers so that they integrate well within the force.

“During your training you have learned about military values and you have followed the code of conduct. I would like to stress also that if you break our code of conduct, SDF will apply disciplinary actions. I would not like for this to happen,” Brigadier Rosette said.

On behalf of his colleague recruits, Private Adrian Cesar thanked all those who have helped them surmount the challenges encountered to achieve their goals to serve their country.

The ceremony was blessed by SDF chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel Louis Agathine.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the ceremony.

Text & photos by Patrick Joubert

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