President addresses the nation again after alleged coup – “I will respect the rule of law”

President addresses the nation again after alleged coup – “I will respect the rule of law”
President addresses the nation again after alleged coup – “I will respect the rule of law”

Africa-Press – Sierra-Leone. In the last hour, President Julius Maada Bio of Sierra Leone has delivered his second address to the nation. “Our response to the events of November 26 will be measured and determined solely by one Parameter – the rule of law,” he vowed.

But not many people will take President on trust, after the killing of over two hundred unarmed citizens in cold blood, despite promising not to have blood on his hands during his campaign for the presidency in 2018.

Since the alleged failed attempted coup on Sunday, 26 November 2023, several supporters and members of the main opposition All People’s Congress (APC) party have been either arrested or killed by the security forces, increasing political tension and instability in the country.

Tonight, President Bio promised to uphold the rule of law. This comes after shuttle diplomacy conducted by ECOWAS leaders and Ambassadors to bring sanity to Sierra Leone.

During their respective visits to State House in Freetown, an ECOWAS delegation warned President Bio to maintain law and order in the country without political witch-hunt, and that ECOWAS would be prepared to deploy troops in the country, if President fails to promote peace and stability.

Also, this week, Ambassadors of West African nations working in Sierra Leone, paid a courtesy call on President Bio to express their solidarity with the people of Siera Leone, whilst calling on the President to ensure that the security forces do not violate the human rights of citizens.

Addressing the people of Sierra Leone this evening, President Bio said: “No matter the provocation, our response to the events of November 26 will be measured and determined along only one parameter – the rule of law, nothing more, nothing Less.”

Responding to accusations that his security forces are going after people of northern tribal origins, in what has been described as political witch-hunt, President Bio said the investigations will be free from tribal, religious, or political bias.

“Therefore, let all be rest assured that we will follow the evidence wherever it leads us, and all those found culpable – no matter their status, shall be held fully to account for their actions within the confines of the law,” President Bio assured the people of Sierra Leone and the international community.


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