President Bio Calls on Sierra Leoneans in Morocco to be Good Citizens & Exemplary Ambassadors

President Bio Calls on Sierra Leoneans in Morocco to be Good Citizens & Exemplary Ambassadors
President Bio Calls on Sierra Leoneans in Morocco to be Good Citizens & Exemplary Ambassadors

Africa-Press – Sierra-Leone. President Julius Maada Bio delivered a compelling message to the Sierra Leonean community in Morocco, encompassing Sierra Leonean students, as he called upon them to embody good citizenship and serve as exemplary ambassadors representing the Republic of Sierra Leone.

The President’s impassioned address took place during his interaction with the Sierra Leone Community in the Kingdom of Morocco, just ahead of the highly anticipated 2023 Africa Investment Forum (AIF) Market Days Event, which took place from November 8th to 10th, 2023.

Throughout the meeting, several concerns and issues were raised by members of the Sierra Leone Community in Morocco. President Julius Maada Bio urged them to compile these issues in writing, assuring them that he would address and resolve those matters upon his return to Sierra Leone.

Emphasizing his administration’s steadfast commitment, President Bio reiterated the significance of the Big Five Game-Changer project and the “Feed Salone” initiative. These initiatives are the cornerstones of his Government’s flagship program, aimed at achieving food security in Sierra Leone by 2035, while capitalizing on investments in human capital development, technology, and infrastructure.

President Julius Maada Bio stated, “My Government is investing in the youth and empowering them through education, recognizing that no nation can progress without education.” His message resonated with the Sierra Leonean community in Morocco, particularly the students, who were encouraged to prioritize their studies, with the ultimate goal of utilizing their acquired skills for the betterment of their homeland.

Acknowledging the goodwill extended by the Moroccan Government, President Bio expressed gratitude for the increased number of scholarships awarded to Sierra Leoneans. He noted that this expansion is a testament to the strong bilateral relationship between the two nations and underscored his commitment to enhancing such relationships for the benefit of Sierra Leoneans.

In his remarks, Ambassador Atumanni Dainkeh highlighted the exceptional significance of President Julius Maada Bio’s interaction with Sierra Leoneans residing in Morocco, especially given the President’s busy schedule during the 2023 Africa Investment Forum.

Jeremiah Abdul Akim Jalloh, President of the Sierra Leone Students Association, extended congratulations to the President on his re-election and commended him for his exemplary leadership since 2018. He particularly praised President Bio for revitalizing Moroccan Government scholarships for Sierra Leoneans, which had languished for nearly five years prior to his Government’s tenure.

Members of the Sierra Leonean Community in Morocco expressed their gratitude to President Julius Maada Bio for his engagement, despite his demanding agenda.

The President’s visit to Morocco was warmly received, and he was honored by both the Sierra Leoneans and the Moroccan Government. Among the distinguished attendees was Madam Zainab Kandeh, the Sierra Leone Consul-General to the Kingdom of Morocco.

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