Cholera outbreak: Tshwane mayor forced to flee Hammanskraal, death toll rises to 15

Cholera outbreak: Tshwane mayor forced to flee Hammanskraal, death toll rises to 15
Cholera outbreak: Tshwane mayor forced to flee Hammanskraal, death toll rises to 15

Africa-Press – South-Africa. Tempers flared outside the Jubilee District Hospital in Hammanskraal on Monday as angry residents chased Tshwane Mayor Cilliers Brink away.

Brink was expected to join Deputy Health Minister Sibongiseni Dhlomo, the Deputy Water and Sanitation Minister David Mahlobo and Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko for a site visit in Hammanskraal.

The purpose of the visit was to assess the situation in Hammanskraal and at Jubilee Hospital in order to inform government’s response to a cholera outbreak in the area.

On Monday, the Gauteng health department said the death toll had increased to 15, with three more fatalities confirmed since the earlier update at 07:30.

The department said 37 people had been admitted to hospital on Sunday, with a total of 95 people treated for diarrhoeal disease.

On Monday morning, angry residents sang outside Jubilee Hospital, demanding clean water.

Resident Sophy Malope said people had never seen the mayor in their area.

She said:

Another resident, Dimakatso Langa, said the Tshwane metro had failed to help them.

“We don’t know what the council is doing for us. We were told the water and sewage pipes were mixed up. They said there was nothing they could do. We can’t keep on buying water, whereas there are other people who cannot afford to buy water and are forced to drink from the taps,” she said.

Nkomo-Ralehoko urged the public to take extra precautionary measures and maintain proper hand hygiene.

“We would like to reiterate and urge the public to avoid known or suspected contaminated food, water and surfaces, and wash hands thoroughly with soap before handling food or after using the bathroom to prevent possible infection,” she said.

“It is also important that people never drink water from unsafe sources such as rivers, dams, streams, unless boiled or disinfected.”

The officials were still in a closed meeting at lunchtime and were expected to address the media.

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