DA councillor accused of rape to foot his own legal bill – Speaker

DA councillor accused of rape to foot his own legal bill - Speaker
DA councillor accused of rape to foot his own legal bill - Speaker

Africa-Press – South-Africa. A Cape Town ward councillor accused of rape and sexual assault had to foot his own legal bill.

Speaker Felicity Purchase said the council would not assist with the 56-year-old man’s legal fees as the matter did not meet the ciriteria in accordance with the Municipal Systems Act or the City of Cape Town’s system of delegation.

An internal investigation relating to the charges was under way, Purchase said.

“My office has received the final report from an independent investigator on the matter, and I am currently applying my mind to [the matter],” she said.

The DA councillor, who is not being named in compliance with the Criminal Procedure Act relating to sexual offences, was released on Monday on R1 000 bail after spending the weekend behind bars.

He told journalists outside the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court that there had been a “total onslaught on [his reputation]” since the local government elections.

“They couldn’t fault me on my work,” he said, insisting the case was “politically orchestrated”.

He called it a “smear campaign” against him and the party he represents.

The councillor was back in the streets of his ward on Tuesday.

He was permitted to continue working in the area where his alleged victim lives, but may not have any contact with her in terms of his bail conditions.

The man, who is also a sub-council chairperson, declined to comment on the allegations, which he said he “categorically denied”.

“The judicial process must take its course and I believe that I will ultimately be vindicated. Despite the situation that I find myself in, I am totally committed to continue to serve the people to the best of my abilities,” he said in a statement.

DA provincial leader Tertuis Simmers said the matter had been referred to its Federal Legal Committee, which deals with disciplinary matters.

“We await their decision on further action,” he told News24.

He noted the court’s decision to release the councillor and said: “The law must now take its course.”

The charge was laid against the councillor last Tuesday.

News24 understands the alleged incident took place after the woman approached the councillor for a job.

When contacted for comment the day after the complainant reported the matter to the police, the councillor denied knowledge of it. He was, however, aware that allegations had been made against him in a letter to the Speaker.

He was arrested on Friday, resulting in protesters gathering outside the Philippi police station demanding that he not receive any special treatment.

Philippi community police forum acting chairperson Weldon Cameron said the councillor’s bail amount was set at a “pittance”.

And while it accepted that he was allowed to continue fulfilling his duties, it was taken aback that he was allowed to move freely in the area in which the complainant resides.

The alleged sexual assault was understood to have taken place in his office, Cameron said, which makes it a “crime scene”.

“We are concerned that he is still surrounded by women when his case speaks directly to gender-based violence,” he added.

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