Julius Malema tells Muslim community to abandon ANC due to non-closure of Israeli embassy

Julius Malema tells Muslim community to abandon ANC due to non-closure of Israeli embassy
Julius Malema tells Muslim community to abandon ANC due to non-closure of Israeli embassy

Africa-Press – South-Africa. EFF leader Julius Malema called on Muslims to stop voting for the ANC because it refused to close the Israeli embassy, despite having the legislative powers to do so.

On Monday, Malema led a march of hundreds of supporters to the embassy in Pretoria, in support of Palestine.

“The Muslim community that stands with Palestine must vote for a government that will stand unashamedly with the people of Palestine.

“When elections come, our Muslim communities vote for the ANC, which has the power to remove the embassy, and yet it is not doing so because it benefits both sides.

“This war in Palestine will not be won if our actions and talk are not the same,” he said.

The EFF’s protest comes days after the ANC held its own demonstration at the embassy.

ANC leaders condemned Israel for the continued violence witnessed in the Middle East, and the continued bombing of Gaza by the Israeli Defence Force.

Malema also shamed voters who aligned themselves with the DA.

“Our brothers and sisters who believe that Palestine is under attack must always do the right thing.

“We have Muslim communities who say they support Palestine, and we will do everything in our power to support it, but when the elections come, they vote for the DA, which supports Israel,” he told the crowd.

He called Israel a murderous government, saying the calls for a boycott of that country were meant for the Israeli government and not Jewish people.

Malema labelled Hamas as freedom fighters and not terrorists, as opposed to how the militant group had been portrayed in Israel and by Western countries.

“We do not want apartheid Israel, and it must never be confused that we do not want the Jews.

“We are not fighting with Jews, but we are fighting with apartheid Israel.

“We are not only going to arm Hamas when we become government. We are going to remove this embassy.

“Do not listen to the ANC that was here for PR on Friday because they have the power to remove this nonsense behind these walls, and why are they not doing it?

“They are scared of the Israeli government,” Malema said.

The EFF leader went on to target specific retailers which imported goods from Israel.

He threatened Woolworths, saying it had until the end of the month to ensure it removed Israeli products.

“You are the one who makes that government who it is.

“If we all boycotted products from that country, Israel would know that it is time to listen,” Malema said.

Former ANC member Carl Niehaus was in attendance.

The deputy ambassador of Palestine, Bassam Elhussiny, was also present at the march.

EFF members were dressed in party colours, but wore scarves representing the Palestine flag, in solidarity with that country.

The crowd of more than 500 people was attended by a small number of Muslims – who, like at the ANC march, condemned Israel and supported Palestine.

One member of the crowd, who carried a fake gun, told News24 he viewed the efforts by Hamas as necessary to defend Palestinian land.

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