Mpofu’s term as Advocates for Transformation representative in the JSC expires

Mpofu's term as Advocates for Transformation representative in the JSC expires
Mpofu's term as Advocates for Transformation representative in the JSC expires

Africa-Press – South-Africa. Senior advocate Dali Mpofu’s term as Judicial Service Commission candidate for Advocates for Transformation (AFT) has come to an end.

in a letter to the JSC on Sunday, AFT national chairperson advocate Myron Dewrance, SC, said Mpofu’s term of office as a representative via the General Council of the Bar at the JSC had expired on 10 February.

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At the time, the AFT national executive committee requested Mpofu to continue serving on the JSC, pending the finalisation of the interviews for the Chief Justice position, which has since been finalised.

Earlier in February, the JSC endorsed Appeal Court President Mandisa Maya as the next judicial head. However, President Cyril Ramaphosa had since made Justice Raymond Zondo as the next Chief Justice.

Zondo was serving at the Constitutional Court and chaired the State Capture Inquiry.

AFT resolutions

At its June 2017 AGM in Bloemfontein, AFT took a resolution that its candidate serving on the JSC would only be able to serve a term of two years at a time, and a maximum of two terms subject to the decision of an AGM.

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“In 2017, Mpofu SC was elected to serve on the JSC for one term. At a later AGM in Port Elizabeth in 2019, Mpofu SC was re-elected to serve on the JSC,” Dewrance said.

Dewrance said AFT is in a process to identify a suitable successor and that the JSC would be advised of a successor in due course.

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