Tembisa Hospital battles with medication shortages to treat epilepsy, hypertension – Health MEC

Tembisa Hospital battles with medication shortages to treat epilepsy, hypertension - Health MEC
Tembisa Hospital battles with medication shortages to treat epilepsy, hypertension - Health MEC

Africa-Press – South-Africa. Gauteng MEC for Health and Wellness, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko has revealed that Tembisa Provincial Tertiary Hospital is battling with inadequate stock to treat among others, conditions like high blood pressure and epilepsy.

Nkomo-Ralehoko, who disclosed this when responding to questions at the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, said the cause of the medication shortage emanated from suppliers not having stock.

However, she said, all vital or lifesaving medications were always available.

She said the hospital experienced challenges with the consistent supply of a few medications between January and May 2023.

“The medication shortages emanated from suppliers not having stock, fast-moving items not being available on contract with increasing medications on buyout and delays in deliveries from the depot or suppliers,” she added.

She said some of the medication that was in short supply included:

Nkomo-Ralehoko gave the assurance that while there were shortages of other medicines, the facility’s pharmacy department had alternative medicines which it dispensed to patients.

“In a bid to ensure that the facility does not experience medication shortages, we have put measures in place to ensure that there is adequate medication.

“These measures include bulk ordering of stock, communicating with suppliers on alternatives when experiencing medicine shortages, weekly stock-check on fast-moving items, working with other health facilities and buyout processes initiated promptly,” Nkomo-Ralehoko added.

Two weeks ago, DA health spokesperson Jack Bloom revealed that hospitals in Gauteng were running short of heartburn medicines, causing distress to thousands of patients who suffer from acid reflux.

Bloom had also added that Thelle Mogoerane Hospital in Vosloorus, Ekurhuleni was among the facilities that faced growing complaints about a shortage of medicine in a 30-day supply period, adding that unpaid suppliers have stopped providing popular stomach medicines, including Omez and Lansoloc.

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