Two killed in a light aircraft crash in Johannesburg

Two killed in a light aircraft crash in Johannesburg
Two killed in a light aircraft crash in Johannesburg

Africa-Press – South-Africa. Two people have been killed after a light aircraft crashed in Johannesburg South on Sunday morning, according to Aeronautical Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC).

A previous report by Emer-G-Med paramedics indicated that three people were killed.

“The initial reports received from the ground teams were three. It appears a miscommunication between services on scene,” Emer-G-Med paramedics spokesperson Kyle van Reenen told News24.

According to the ARCC Chief, Gregory Critchley, the two people onboard died in the accident.

“It has been established that there were two persons onboard and regrettably, they were fatally injured,” Critchley said.

The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) spokesperson Sisa Majola added that the aircraft departed from Grand Central Airport in the Gauteng province on a training flight with the intention to land back at the same airport.

“Onboard the aircraft were two occupants, who both sustained fatal injuries. The aircraft itself sustained substantial damage,” Majola added.

SACAA has reported the incident to the Accident and Incident Investigations Division.

Majola said that a preliminary report will be issued 30 days from the day of this accident.

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