Jonglei to integrate civil servants from defunct states

Jonglei to integrate civil servants from defunct states
Jonglei to integrate civil servants from defunct states

Africa-Press – South-Sudan. Jonglei State government will integrate all the civil servants from the defunct states within the new administration.

There were 32 states in the country before the formation of the Revitalised Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU). For instance, Jonglei State was divided into five – Fangak, Boma, Akobo and Bieh, Jonglei

However, since then, the civil servants from the other three states that were later merged together to form the larger Jonglei State, have never been reintegrated into the current mother state.

Speaking to The City Review, State Minister of Information, John Samuel Manyuon, dismissed the statement from the workers union that called for the national government to integrate the workforce.

He said the integration of the civil servants from the defunct state was not the work of the national government.

The workers’ trade union had urged the national Ministry of Public Service to form an independent committee to amalgamate the workforce within the defunct Jonglei states.

“We are working to amalgamate the workforce of four defunct states into one unified Jonglei State. I don’t think this needs the input of the national level because one of the key points of focus of the state government is to amalgamate the workforce from the defunct to one unified Jonglei State.

“I am sure that this will be the first item once the deputy governor takes the oath. His office will amalgamate the workforce not only as a workers’ trade union but also entirely into the state. There are a lot of challenges that are happening due to a lack of unified workforce.

“One major challenge is that we are working with only one defunct [state] which is Jonglei State,” he said.

Manyuon cautions that any failure to conduct amalgamation would affect the process of deploying public servants to the counties.

He said, for instance, the local governments have to deploy the executive directors to other counties, and it has to be done.

“Once we have one unified force every ministry, every department of the government will be functional up-to-the grassroots level.”


“We are working to amalgamate the workforce of four defunct states into one unified Jonglei State.’’ John Manyuon, Jonglei State minister of information.

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