Dr Nchimbi warns against attacks on people with albinism

Dr Nchimbi warns against attacks on people with albinism
Dr Nchimbi warns against attacks on people with albinism

Africa-Press – Tanzania. THE Secretary General of the ruling CCM party, Dr Emmanuel Nchimbi, has issued a warning to criminals who kidnap and kill people with albinism, stating that their disgusting actions are unacceptable in a civilised nation like Tanzania.

Dr Nchimbi delivered the warning during a public rally at Kyaka Bus Stand in Misenyi District, Kagera region, where he also addressed concerns from citizens who requested increased protection for people with albinism.

He urged Tanzanians to abandon superstitious beliefs related to albinism, emphasising that people with albinism are human beings like everyone else.

Tanzanians who hold such misguided beliefs have no right to end lives by committing such cruel acts against people with albinism.

He also called on the government to intensify efforts in combating criminals and ensuring they are brought before the courts to face justice for their involvement in these vile acts.

“I urge Tanzanians to abandon superstitious beliefs that harm and kill people with albinism,” he said.

Dr Nchimbi also revealed that the government will build a Museum of the Kagera War against the tyrant Idd Amin Dada in Missenyi District, to commemorate the site where a bomb destroyed a church and the Kagera Bridge.

“The museum will be constructed and developed to inform future generations that Tanzania fought a war against Uganda,” he said.

“Tanzanians are united, if provoked, they will fight until they prevail, owing to their patriotic spirit,” he added.

Dr Nchimbi recalled that Tanzania, particularly Kagera Region and Missenyi District, was invaded, but Tanzanians, through their unity, shed blood and resources to fight the war.

Tanzania is a unified nation, forged by those who fought against Idd Amin Dada, as everyone contributed whatever they could, be it cattle, food, or transportation, which helped secure victory over Amin.

The war against Amin demonstrated that Tanzanians are united in defending their rights, as people from various regions including Pemba, Unguja, Songea, Mwanza, and others shed blood to protect the nation’s borders.

He pointed out that there are deceitful individuals like Idd Amin who, despite Tanzania’s military capturing Kampala, misled the media into believing he was in Kampala when he was actually at the border preparing to flee.

The CCM leader added that there are dishonest Tanzanians both within and outside the country who claim CCM has done nothing, despite its substantial contributions to national development.

In another development, the Minister for Works, Mr Innocent Bashungwa, assured Dr Nchimbi that compensation will be provided to residents affected by the construction of the Kibondo-Malamba road.

He stated that a total of 1.4bn/- will be provided in compensation.

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