Ex president Obasanjo jets in Dar

Ex president Obasanjo jets in Dar
Ex president Obasanjo jets in Dar

Africa-Press – Tanzania. DAR ES SALAAM: Former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo has arrived in the country to attend the 20th anniversary of Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AUPSC), scheduled for tomorrow in Dar es Salaam.

President Obasanjo landed at the Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA) on Friday and was welcomed by the Deputy Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperations, Ambassador Said Mussa.

The AUPSC will be held at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Center (JNICC) in Dar es Salaam.

According to information from the Minister for Foreign Affairs and East African Cooperation, January Makamba President Samia Suluhu Hassan had accepted to host and lead the celebrations.

He said Tanzania, as the current Chairman of the Council, was approached by the African Union to host the prestigious gathering.

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