FIFA President Infantino commends women’s football and coaches at Zurich forum

FIFA President Infantino commends women's football and coaches at Zurich forum
FIFA President Infantino commends women's football and coaches at Zurich forum

Africa-Press – Tanzania. FIFA President Gianni Infantino has lauded the remarkable success of women’s football on the global stage, emphasizing its significant impact on changing perceptions. Speaking at the Coaches Forum hosted at the Home of FIFA in Zurich, Switzerland, Infantino expressed his admiration for the outstanding football displayed during the FIFA Women’s World CupTM last summer.

Infantino highlighted the exceptional quality of play, citing incredible goals and the overall performance of the athletes that captivated audiences worldwide. He acknowledged that the tournament served as a pivotal moment for many viewers who, perhaps for the first time, recognized the excellence and excitement that women’s football brings to the sporting world.

The President emphasized the importance of building on this newfound appreciation, emphasizing the need to continue fostering the growth and recognition of women’s football globally. The Coaches Forum, extending over two days, provided a platform for coaches to share insights on technical, competition, and refereeing matters.

During the discussions, Infantino touched upon the expansion of youth competitions, revealing plans to increase the FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup to 24 teams. Additionally, the FIFA U-17 Women’s World Cup is set to become an annual event in the future, showcasing FIFA’s commitment to promoting women’s football at various levels.

The positive momentum generated by the recent Women’s World Cup has not only elevated the status of women’s football but has also prompted crucial conversations and initiatives within the football community. The Coaches Forum stands as a testament to FIFA’s dedication to advancing the sport, providing a platform for collaboration and exchange of ideas among football leaders.

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