Mtibwa factory closes, under investigation

Mtibwa factory closes, under investigation
Mtibwa factory closes, under investigation

Africa-Press – Tanzania. MOROGORO: MTIBWA sugar factory in Turiani, Mvomero District, will remain closed for three days to allow employees to mourn and to facilitate an investigation following a tragic explosion that claimed 11 lives and injured two others.

The incident occurred on Thursday when a newly installed heating system was being tested.

A steam release pipe ruptured, resulting in the deaths of 11 electrical and mechanical specialists. Two other workers sustained injuries. In a condolence message, Morogoro Regional Commissioner Adam Malima confirmed that the factory’s management would cover the transportation costs for the deceased’s bodies.

“The workers have been given three days of mourning from May 23 to 25, 2024, during which investigations will continue to ensure the infrastructure’s safety before work resumes,” Mr Malima noted.

Mr Malima urged employees, relatives and friends to remain patient and to seek solace in their faith during this difficult time.

He emphasised the importance of returning to work with renewed strength after the mourning period, as the factory’s operations are vital for the livelihoods of many families and for generating income for the government.

Minister for Industry and Trade, Dr Ashatu Kijaji, expressed the government’s condolences to the relatives, friends and all Tanzanians affected by the tragedy.

“This is a national tragedy; we have been shaken as a nation by this accident,” Dr Kijaji stated.

She reiterated that production would resume after the mourning period. Minister for Agriculture, Hussein Bashe, acknowledged the ongoing investigation by experts and noted that similar incidents had occurred in other sugar factories, such as TPC, though without human casualties.

“The investigative experts will continue their work. This type of accident in sugar factories is not the first, but fortunately, previous incidents did not result in harm,” Mr Bashe explained.

Chairman of Super Group Companies, Seif Seif, expressed gratitude for the support from government leaders and the local community during the mourning period.

“We believe that even in tragedy, there are moments of solace. I extend my condolences to all the bereaved families, and the company’s leadership stands with them, providing three days of mourning,” Mr Seif stated.

Among the deceased were three foreign nationals from Kenya, India and Brazil. The remaining victims were Tanzanian nationals. SACP Mkama reported that the two injured workers were taken to Bwagala Mission Hospital in Turiani, Mvomero District.

The bodies of the foreign nationals were transported to the factory airstrip for transfer to Dar es Salaam yesterday afternoon, where their respective embassies will assist with burial arrangements.

A sudden increase in voltage in the Mtibwa Sugar factory’s heating system electrical circuit ignited a blast one-hour past midnight on Wednesday as technical personnel were preparing to operate it for production activity.

SACP Alex Mkama, the Morogoro Regional Police Commander, said the incident occurred after midnight where 11 people were killed and two others injured.

“The surge in the voltage touched off electricity circuit failure and thus the fateful blast, where electricity engineers were seeking to restore the malfunctioning power system in the plant’s control room,” he said.

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