Why Nyerere merits AU honour

Why Nyerere merits AU honour
Why Nyerere merits AU honour

Africa-Press – Tanzania. DAR ES SALAAM: ANALYSTS have joined African leaders to acknowledge the African Union (AU) decision to honour Tanzania’s Founding President, Mwalimu Julius Nyerere, by building his statue at its headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Nyerere’s statue was unveiled last Sun – day in honour of his unwavering, selfless commitment to fight for Africa’s liberation and unity.

The launching ceremony of the statue was presided over by the Chairperson of the AU’s Commission, Mr Moussa Faki, and Heads of State, including President Dr Samia Suluhu Hassan and Zambia’s President, Mr Hikainde Hichilema, who also serves as the Chairperson of the Southern Africa Development Community’s (SADC) Organ on Poli – tics, Defence and Security Cooperation.

The ceremony was held as part of the 37th AU Summit, following the implementation of SADC’s idea of honouring the late Mwalimu Nyerere for his contribution to the formation of the bloc and his strong stance on uprooting imperialism in the continent.

Therefore, SADC, in collaboration with the AU, made the historic and Pan-Africanist idea of a monumental tribute to Mr Nyerere by erecting a 3-meter sculpture, a reality.

Reflecting on Nyerere’s role in liberating the continent, Mr Faki said Tanzania’s founding father’s outstanding leadership is a summary of Pan-Africanism, profound wisdom, and service to the continent.

He said Mwalimu Nyerere played a key pioneering role in the establishment of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in 1963, which later became the AU in 2002, in pursuit of the continent’s unity and solidarity.

He reminded that Mwalimu Nyerere’s dedication to attaining unity went beyond national boundaries and national interest.

He cited Nyerere’s speech in 1970 in the parliament, in which he stressed unity among Africans to uproot colonialism in Southern African countries.

“Under his leadership, Tanzania became a sanctuary for liberation movements across the continent.

Source: Daily News – Tanzania Standard Newspapers

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