Render illustration of Paralegal title on Legal Documents

AfricaPress-Tanzania: PARALEGALS in the country have been hailed for supporting women in economic growth and acquiring of property inheritance.

Mbeya District Community Development officer, Zena Kapama made the remarks recently here while commending paralegals for the concerted efforts to provide skills and knowledge that empowers women economically as well as helping those who are denied their rights in the society.

“Paralegals play important role in the society particularly in creating awareness on using legal instrument to address various challenges encountered including those in women groups,” she said noting this role goes further to providing skills and knowledge to boost their earnings.

Ms Kapama also applauded the paralegal officer in Mbalizi District, Mr Abel Kibona for handling the issue of a widow identified as Matrida Masoko who was denied the right to inherit some of the family property left by her deceased husband.

After getting detailed information that Ms Masoko was denied her right to inherit the family property, Mr Kibona advised her to file inheritance case at the primary court and list all the properties that they acquired together with the husband.

The court ruled Ms Masoko’s inheritance case in her favour after discovering that she was the executor of the inheritance of the family property left by her diseased husband.

Moreover, the paralegals in Mbalizi District was behind the success of Huyandola women group for which Ms Masoko is one of the members that engage in the manufacture of chalks and other economic activities.

“Paralegals advised the group of 25 women to request funds from the district council that was granted for procuring chalk making machine and raw materials which have boosted our project to the next level,” said Pili Jacob, the chairperson of the women group.

She said the women group has currently three projects namely chalks making for supply to schools in Mbeya Region, soap and poultry project all of which have contributed greatly in boosting the living standard of women.

Paralegals work has yield many results in fostering social economic development in the society particularly empowering women and children to realise their potential, Supported by Legal Services Facility (LSF), paralegal have reach out to more than 4.5million people with legal education and over 75 thousands with legal aid annually.

They are role is to provide legal aid services at no cost to people who cannot afford legal services and also ensure citizens are aware of various law to exercise their rights.


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